Captivate Your Audience

with a Video as Awesome as You Are

Music Video Premiere


Is Your Story Being Told?

  • Are your campaigns resonating with your target audience?
  • Have your investments in marketing gotten you results less than hoped for?
  • Is the quality of your videos matching that of your product or service?
  • Does your content show your company’s culture?

Seeing is Believing

    We understand the challenges

      • Getting audiences to stay for your message takes time, energy, and planning.
      • The stakes are high – a video is more than just content; it’s about creating an experience that leaves a lasting impact.
      • At Silver Lantern Studios we have nearly twenty years of combined expertise in bringing stories like yours to life.

      Our Approach

      At Silver Lantern Studios, we make the art of creating practical, support that creativity with technical expertise, and introduce story into everything we do. Whether it’s a  branding video, a product showcase, or anything else, we ensure your message is not just seen but felt.

      Our Services

      We create top-quality work in a variety of areas regardless of the size of the budget.


      Capturing the stories and moments and presenting them to inspire and educate your audience.

      Music Video

      Take the heart of your music and display it for all to see in a beautiful visual format.


      Capturing the stories and moments to inspire and education your audience.

      Your Custom Project

      Whatever your need is, we can create a video that captures the heart of the message you want to share.


      When pricing out a project, several factors are considered. Typically, we are concerned with the project’s scale and complexity. Factors include planning time,  time on location, number of visits, amount of footage to be edited, graphics, format of the final product, crew size, gear, etc. 

      For example, if we need to capture three one-hour company events over the course of a year, that will involve more time for us than one three-hour event. Additionally, a narrative commercial will require a different amount of planning and filming (typically a greater amount) than an interview or a docu-style piece.

      Our starting cost is $3,000.

      Our Process is Easy

      1. Meet with us to share your vision

      2. Watch your vision come to life

      3. Share it and grow your brand

      Let’s Discuss Your Vision

        Or call us at 317.210.0712